Вот оригинальная страта на английском языке, взято с воввики. Далее следует вольный перевод основных моментов в моем исполнении.
The Lurker requires only one tank, having an off-tank makes it safer. The tank should stand in the inner ring with his back to the pillar (to help prevent the knockbacks). Everybody else should spread out, to minimize collateral damage from geyser. Melee damage dealers should stand as close to the inner edge of the platform as possible, so that the five yard Whirl knockback doesn't drop them into the water. Healers should be placed at the outside limit of the ring so that they can easily step back into the water to avoid Spout. Ranged damage dealers can stand on the outer platforms.
Phase 1
The combat starts with the Lurker on the surface. It's rather straightforward tank and spank, except for Spout and Whirl. Aggro is hardly an issue - as long as there are targets in melee range, the Lurker does not attack ranged targets (except for a random Geyser now and then). The Lurker can also be taunted. After two minutes, the Lurker submerges (which also removes all debuffs from him), adds turn up and the second phase starts. 60 seconds later, the Lurker re-emerges and phase one starts again.
Spout is the main reason for wipes on this boss, the whole raid has to learn how to avoid it. Boss mods usually give a three second warning, and it's best to immediately jump in the water when the warning comes up. Ranged DPS and Healers can continue to do their job while in the water by swimming a little deeper to gain LOS. After the beam has passed, it's safe to return to the platforms. The tank and everybody close to him need to pay attention - the beam starts at the tank and rotates for a little more than 360°. Each spout is closely followed by a Whirl.
Advanced techniques have the melee group run in a circle around the platform to avoid the beam (while still dealing damage). It's also possible to blink through it, or to use Ice Block or Divine Shield. It should be noted, however, that melee can continue to DPS during a spout by jumping forward into the water immediately surrounding Lurker. This will allow them to maintain more consistent DPS than if they are running in a circle, and the damage they take is very minor provided that they jump back out of the water as soon as the spout passes.
Spout does not affect pets.
The second problem during phase one is Whirl. If the entire melee group is knocked away from the Lurker, he starts to deal severe ranged damage to the raid. Thus a tank needs to avoid the Whirl, and be back in melee range ASAP.
Normally, boss mods give a warning before a Whirl is incoming. The best solution is to have the MT jump into the water, closer to the Lurker. In this case, the knockback brings him back onto the platform, without ever leaving melee range. Alteratively, it's possible to back out of melee range before a Whirl, to quickly move back in right after.
To make the fight safer, additional tanks can try to do the same as the MT. Since the Lurker can be taunted it's rather easy to control him once a tank is in melee range.
It is possible to have a tank in the water the whole time. This makes him immune to Spout, and he doesn't have to be alert on Whirls. The water inflicts about 380 damage per tick, but the bigger problem is that there may be LoS problems for the healers. To avoid the LOS issue, the MT healers can stay under water too. One shadow priest in their group is enough to keep their health and mana up. When using this technique, everybody must be alert to exit the water during phase 2.
Whirl deals only about 1k of damage to pets, and no knockback.
Phase 2
Each time the Lurker submerges, he spawns a total of nine adds: two ranged Coilfang Ambushers on each outer platform, and three melee Coilfang Guardians on the inner ring. All these adds can be Crowd Controled.
Usually, each platform has one group of the raid assigned to clear the Coilfang Ambushers, while the melee group deals with the Coilfang Guardians. Each of the groups should use CC and kill their adds. When the platform groups are done with their packs, they need to help on the Guardians.
The Ambushers can basically be tanked by any class (ofc the more armor the better). There is one dangerous effect to be aware of: If an Ambusher gains aggro on a healer (or damage dealer) on another platform, he starts to evade until the healer comes over onto their island. If the Lurker emerges while an Ambusher is still evading, the Lurker despawns.
Similarly, the Guardians can gain aggro on raid members on other platforms, but they simply teleport and attack in this case.
One minute after submerging, the Lurker comes back whether or not all adds are dead. After re-emerging, he starts out with a sequence of Whirl, Spout and another Whirl. It's very difficult to master this while there's an add around. The best bet is to keep the add CC'd until after the sequence (or even longer).
Alternate strategy for phase 2
New Coilfang Guardians spawn on the transition to phase two only to replace dead Guardians from prior spawns. Thus it's possible to keep the Guardians sheeped (or otherwise CC'd) during the whole fight. Of course, Guardians breaking their CC can mean a one-shot death for the mage, followed by the healers in the raid, so it is important to refresh sheep every 15-20 seconds. The mages should also be soulstoned.
On top of that, hunters can put a freezing trap on the outer platforms, at the points where the Coilfang Ambushers enter. This way the raid has to deal with at most three mobs at the same time, making the healers' job much easier.
Люркер требует одного танка (можно иметь конечно ОТ) но в случае потери МТ (по моим наблюдениям) это вайп. Танк стоим пятой точкой к колонне (хз кстати где она, не замечал, на моей практике танк стоял просто так и прыгал в воду когда надо) весь мили дамаг распределяеться вокруг босса стоя на внутреннем крае деревянного кольца, так как если они словят кнокбак то не упадут в кипяток. Весь рэнж и хилл стоят на этом же кольце но на внешнем краю, так что до них не достанет кнокбак. На моей практике наш ренж и хилеры (кроме танковских) стояли на островах.
Первая фаза:
Ренж ДПС отрываеться по полной не обращая внимания на аггро, босс бьет танка пока он находиться в мили, если в имли нету ниодной цели босс вайпает рейд по 1 челу за 2 секунды -= )))
все что требуеться в первой фазе:
Для мили избегать кнокбака, как токо ДБМ орет что Whirl coming soon - шаг назад.
Для всех: Как только видим сообщение ДБМ Spout coming soon, нервные крики по венте и ощущаем дрож в коленках - прыгаем в воду, все кто остануться стоять - умрут
Споут идет по часовой стрелке начиная чутка правее танка, поэтому танк должен быстрее всех спрятаться а как только луч пройдет над ним выпрыгивать и вставать на место что бы босс не вйпнул рейд в отсутствие игроков в мили радиусе.
Вторая фаза
После двух минут от начала боя Люркер уплывает а на островах спавняться 5 аддов. Два типа аддов:
две штуки Coilfang Ambushers - стрелки, танковаться могут даже рогами имеют мало хп (27к) и 3 Coilfang Guardians - милишники, жирные бьют жестко. Стрелки спавняться на островах поэтому ренж ДПС решает их, без танкования а тупо ДПСом, урон который будут получать ренж дпс вполне отлечиваемый. Милишники спавняться на внутренней платформе, их хватают МТ и ОТ и ферал дру. Весь мили ДПС накидываеться на цель МТ что бы он освободился как можно раньше, дальше добивают двух остальных в то времякак МТ возвращаеться на свою позицию. Ренж расправившись со стрелками помогает порешить милишных супостатов. На все про все во второй фазе урейда ровно 60 секунд, после этого босс опять всплывает и так пока он не ляжет.